Sunday, July 29, 2012


Yesterday while working at the studio and walking the dogs, I took a few photos.  I thought I would share them.  Before leaving the studio, the monkeys arrived and were watching me while I sat at my computer.  This is a photo of one of the males checking out the rain downspout at the end of the studio. 

On the walk through the property, I saw a few orchids and a heliconia that were in bloom. 

Then, in the afternoon, the agouti come out in the yard in front of the studio to feast on the guavas that had fallen.  It is guava season and there are plenty of them from which to choose.  I think that she ate 4 of them before disappearing back into the forest. 

If you are observant, you can always find something interesting to see at Monte Azul.

Monday, July 9, 2012


As you may recall, in early June we brought 6 new production goats to Monte Azul.  A week later, we also brought in a top quality stud goat.  His name is Gigo.  He is a Saanen stud goat.  Saanen goats are originally from Switzerland and have been bred for high milk production.  These goats are easily recognized by there all white coat.

Gigo is no excpetion.  He is all white and quite handsome for a goat.  He has rock star looks with his tuft of bangs and long beard.   He is very gentle and has learned to love guavas during his tour of duty at Monte Azul.  He was brought to Monte Azul to impregnate our 8 existing goats which he gladly began the minute he jumped off the truck.  Within 10 minutes he had “performed” with 3 goats. 

It usually only takes one “performance” to get a female goat pregnant.  Just to make sure it worked, the goats are then put back together 18 days later.  If she lets him mount her, it didn’t work the first time.  If she doesn’t let him mount her, she is pregnant. 

The 2nd  time around, none of our 8 goats would let him near them.  So, we have to assume that we now have 8 more females pregnant.  These ladies should have babies in early November.  We also have the 4 females that arrived in early June that are pregnant and should have babies at the end of October.  I will keep you posted. 

With his work done, Gigo left for home.  We will miss him.